MrJSA Technologies

FAQ - Frequently asked Questions

This is a small FAQ section where frequently asked question will be added over time.

If you have any questions not already covered by this FAQ feel free to contact us at shop.mrjsa (at) We will get back to you as soon as possible.

The answer is probably yes. Just write an e-mail to us at shop.mrjsa (at) and we will try to add your location to the shipping options as soon as possible. We try our best to provide shipping to as many locations as possible, but there might always be countries that slipped through. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Log in, go to your Orders and click on the order you want to track. Scroll to the bottom there should be a link to the shipping provider. Or look through your emails, there you should have received an email with the tracking information.

If you want to buy a lot of products, be it for reselling, installation purposes or any other reason, feel free to contact us at shop.mrjsa (at) and we will figure something out.

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